Use This Form For An Emotional Support Animal (ESA) Letter
(For Housing Only)
Watch the video below that will explain the process for obtaining your ESA Letter.

Start Your ESA Prequalification Below:
Section A
1) If your animal helps you with ANY one of the situations in Section A:
Do you get anxious in:
Social Situations?
Crowds of people?
Do you have issues: sleeping?
Work stress?
Family Issues?
Do these affect your life significantly?
Section B
2) AND at least ONE daily function in Section B:
Does your animal help you to sleep better?
Concentrate at work or home?
Or does your animal help you to get out to Socialize more?
You Are Now Pre-Qualified For An Emotional Support Animal (ESA).
If you don’t meet both; call us at 760-485-6784 and we can
discuss your symptoms and how your animal does help you.
Or if you want to fly with your dog… your dog would need to Recognize, respond, AND Reduce your symptoms and we could certify it to be a Psychiatric Service Dog. (See the prequalification form on the front page)
3) Next Step:
Fill Out The Contact Form Below and click ENTER … and we will contact you.
Once payment is made you are ready to schedule your session with Joanne and get your ESA letter, which is usually the same day after the video chat session.
Enter your information below to schedule a session or answer any questions you have.
[contact-form-7 id=”4cc2cd4″ title=”Contact form 1″]
That’s it…You’re done! What Happens Next:
We’ll contact you, either by email or by phone, and discuss your options.
(You are under no obligation to buy)
If you are ready to get your Letter now, Click Here to see our pricing and determine which alternative best suits your needs. Then, make your payment and complete the assessment form.
This prequalifying form is not meant to be a complete psychological evaluation. If you need help or are having any thoughts of harming yourself call 988, or call the hotline at 1-800-273-8255, or go to your nearest ER.